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Smooth Move: 5 Tips to Help You De-Stress Your Move

For most, moving ranks up on the list next to going to the dentist and getting waxed. It’s usually not a pleasant experience, but you feel so much better when it’s done. I’ve been side-by-side with hundreds of clients moving in and out of homes over the years and I’ve learned a few tips that will ease the stress of moving.

Declutter your home

The best way to start a move is to get rid of things you haven’t used in a year or more. First, clean out your pantry by getting rid of expired food & donate non-perishables. Next, tackle your ‘junk drawers’ and get rid of odds and ends. Finally, if you haven’t worn it this past year, it’s time to donate your clothes. You’ll be grateful to have fewer things to move!

Get quotes from reputable movers

Before you start packing, call a few moving companies in your area for quotes. Summer is the busiest time to move, so being proactive will ensure your spot on a company’s schedule. Also make sure that your movers are reputable. Scammers on sites like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace often aren’t insured and will hold your items for ‘ransom’ at a higher price than initially agreed upon. The best way to protect yourself is to choose movers who are both insured and licensed through the Michigan State Police’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED).

Start packing before you close

Once you have a closing date from your lender, that’s usually a pretty good indication you’ll soon be moving. Start packing boxes of items you won’t need in the next 30-60 days such as fine china, guest bedroom furniture, extra linens & items in storage. Once you sign on the dotted line you won’t be overwhelmed by packing with a few days to spare.

Move your valuables yourself

So you’ve hired insured movers – great! But insurance only reimburses the costs associated with broken or lost items, it won’t replace your valuables. Pack and move family heirlooms, jewelry, artwork & irreplaceable items yourself and save yourself the potential heartache.

Complete renovations on your new home prior to move-in day

There is nothing worse than living in a construction zone. Consult with your realtor on how to get an extra 10-30 days occupancy before you have to move out of your current home. You’ll have time to get any necessary repairs and upgrades done at your new house such as painting, new flooring, new cabinetry and more.

Are you thinking about selling your house and starting fresh? I can help you navigate this process with ease. Click here to contact me!


Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash